CDH Productions
296 Captain Beam Blvd
Hampstead, NC 28443 USA
Name |
Address (Line 1) |
Address (Line 2) |
City |
State or Province |
Country | Zip or Postal Code |
Phone # |
E-mail Address |
How did you discover CDH Productions? |
Please specify the quantity of each product you would like to order.
(All prices are in US dollars. Please make any checks or money orders
payable in US currency to CDH Productions.) ________ copies of Image Explorer Pro, at $ 50.00 per copy |
System ID within Application (Note: You can find
your System ID by running the CDH Productions product, selecting the Help
menu, then clicking Purchase.) |
Grand total for the above item(s): _____________ |
Please indicate the payment method (and supply any required information.) ___ Personal or business check (CDH Productions reserves the right to wait until any checks clear our bank, usually 2 to 5 business days after receipt. CDH Productions also reserves the right to charge a $25.00 fee for returned checks, so please don't bounce them. ) ___ Cashier's Check or Money Order ___ Credit Card (NOTE: The address of the cardholder MUST match the address given. Please supply the following information .) |
Card Type |
Card Number |
Expiration Date |
Signature |